If you haven't been to our new Durango's, then I would recommend it. Very yummy breakfast, great service with a great smile and a very inviting environment in which to enjoy your food. Mark took me to breakfast this morning before we both went our separate ways to our separate work.
This is located near HEB, behind the Baytown restaurant, which we haven't been to yet but a friend of mine said he and his wife enjoyed the food there and recommended it also. I'm beginning to think I am turning this into a tour of food/restaurants. :-) But that's part of the fun of exploring our little town. Now, if I could just see a great Thai or Vietnamese place...
I happened upon you blog while browsing about Seguin. I was wondering if this restaurant was any good. What all is on their menu for breakfast? Do they include pancakes and things like that too? Thanks,
This sounds like a great place.
Alex's World! - http://www.kakinan.com/alex
Hi Julie, I will check their menu and get back to you on this. I think it's all Mexican food. Very tasty if that's what you're hungry for.
Durango's Mexican Kitchen is good food. They have the regular mexican dishes but also have seafood. I like going there on friday nights. They have live music with a mix of english and spanish songs. It's good food for the whole family.
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