Yesterday we received a special package in the mail - more queen bees to requeen some hives with soon. Note to self: when shipping live animals, it would be good to mark the packaging so that the mail carrier can call the recipient to pick up the package rather than have the poor animals ride in the mail truck. But...the package WAS humming quite loudly so if I was the mailperson, I think I probably would have handled this envelope with extra care. :)
I shot a Queens buzzing video in case you want to hear what buzzing queens sound like when they are in an envelope.
Holy moly! That Queens buzzing video is remarkable. Unreal. Fascinating. Thanks!
Thanks, Lynette. I found it pretty cool myself. :)
Hey girl,
at fedex, customers have the option to ask us to hold the package at the station for pickup as soon as we open the front counter in the morning. No riding around for hours for the queens...
Anh, if the sender had just put the word "bees" on the envelope as others have, I'm sure the postal folks would have called us as usual. But since he didn't, not sure what they thought. Again, I think the buzzing would have been a big clue. lol
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