Hi. It's been a crazy spring for us here in Seguin - we've hit the low 90s twice I believe and that was in February. Now close to May, we have been seeing weekly storms and some of the mildest temperatures since I've been here in Texas (about 16 years).
So I think it's time I admit to myself that while I can't give my first-ever blog to someone else, I am also unable to keep up with this in a way that is fair for my readers. I'm officially going to put this blog to rest indefinitely. Thank you so much for the many years of support you have given me! And it is still special to me when I meet one of you and you tell me you have followed this blog. Thank you. I am going to miss it. I already have been missing it. But time to move on now.
You can find me over at the bee blog for Gretchen Bee Ranch since that's where I spend 90% of my blogging life.
Ciao! Be happy, snap pictures and talk to people! It's what makes life so fun.