There is a lot of construction going on around town and I had to go down a street that I don't usually go down and was pleasantly surprised to spot this old railcar! The first thing that came to mind was how cool it would be if this was restored into a diner or something. I'm not one to have a vision of things normally so I thought it was something that I could see beyond the graffiti and poor condition.
Thank you all for your recent comments to the V-Day post. I really appreciate all the visits and your taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them!
Sorry for the lack of posting again but the allergies have really just been beating me up almost -- every other day there seems to be a migraine on tap. Yuck. Better news is that Mark's last day at work was last Friday so we have been a little busy enjoying the festivities! We took a trip to Fredericksburg (TX) -- our first leisurely out-of-town trip in over a year and it was lovely to relax and enjoy driving around, in no particular hurry and not worrying about what work awaited our return or the phone ringing (which it DID! but luckily not an emergency). :)
That looks neat, I bet it would be cool to be restored.
That would be great if it were restored.
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