I know what these are simply b/c my husband explained them to me. I just wanted to see if any of you know about these pretty little things. I love the green one. They come in a variety of colors and there are conferences and shows for collectors of these.
I know what these are, but only because I know some fr...um people who collect these, but I'll wait to see if anyone answers first. :D
I don't drool over insulators from telephone pole cross-trees. They are neat though! However, I am still drooling over your flowering cactus!
I think that the colour comes from the impurities in the glass exposed over time to the sun's UV light. I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me!
Thanks briang! I'm glad you liked the cactus. That picture makes me happy.
You're correct, these are insulators. If only the ones on the poles were still as pretty. The colors came from whatever scrap glass was on hand in most cases. Would you believe some of these are valued at over $10,000!? Not mine but I saw that once on ebay.
I would pay one meeeeellion dollars! Ok, just kidding. They are pretty though.
Oh I don't know what these are! They don't look like insulators to me...
They do look very different from what you see on the poles now, which is typically boring gray or brown porcelin.
these are the old time electricity caps. I saw them on mackinaw island, MI.
what are they like in MI? Colorful? Glass or porcelin?
I'd forgotten all about these. Someone I knew years ago collected them. Thanks for the reminder.
I remember looking at these on the poles lined next to the railroad tracks when I was a kid. Kinda neat to see them on a pic. Thanks...brings back memories.
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