I have no idea what this plant is but I really like the color and the shape of it very much. We've had some lovely weather lately and the mountain cedar pollen has finally subsided and so we are able to get out and enjoy it now. Today it's cloudy and windy and on the cool side but still nice. More and more blooms are coming out and that means more activity from our bees. I'll post a picture of them tomorrow. Mark and I are enjoying watching them as they start venturing out more and more for food. We watched them for a while yesterday and Mark noted they are carrying a good amount of pollen back to the hive. Good news for honey production!
Very pretty plant...and it's so nice to see Spring finally coming around, isn't it?
It sure is nice and green.
I love this sign of life. It's a lovely way to welcome spring!
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and for the birthday wishes. I am very touched by your thoughtfulness. Sorry for the late reply - as I spent my birthday and the day after painting our new home and didn't come home until past midnight.
A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman
I like the vibrant green colour of this plant too and its shape is fascinating!
I can feel the arrival of spring!
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