Lately all we've had is drizzly, cold days. Today's no different. It's been so gloomy and wet, I have not really been out and about. Just to work and then home. This is on Kingsbury just before you get to the Water Park Experts company on the left and Texas Lutheran University on the right. I do like that old Chevy truck in front of me.
This wonderful photo reminds me of the end of "Bridges of Madison County", when Clint Eastwood is leaving town and Meryl Streep has to make the biggest decision of her life.
We are having cold, soggy weather too, but we really need the rain.
Rain truly does put a damper on the day! I hope the sun comes out soon for you!
I still haven't seen that movie. ;)
And yes, we do need the rain but I'm seeking some sun soon!
Isnt this weather just wonderful. LOL.
Texas weather....stick around...it will change in a few minutes!!!! Although I do have to say I feel bad, as you and Jim are out and about taking pictures in it, and I'm sitting inside posting pictures from this past summer!!!
Yukky weather!
What a great truck! Dreary or not... nice shot!
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