Our sky's been just gorgeous lately and the weather has been very beautiful. I thought I would post this now since next week is suppose to bring in a cold front that will hopefully bring some much needed rain to ease our drought conditions.
Yesterday, my new friend Dan from McKinney (TX) tagged me! McKinney is about 4.5 hours north of Seguin and I have not been there yet but if I go, I will of course look for Dan!
I've never been tagged on the blog before so here we go. This game of tag goes like this, When it comes to New Year’s Resolutions we seem to fall into four categories: 1) quite serious about them, 2) flippant about them, 3) pressured to do them, or 4) do not do them. So, the purpose of this game of tag is to let us know which category you are in. I will give mine, then tag 3 other sites to do the same thing.
Hmm...as with most things, when you are in a position where you have to select just one "thing," you realize things are never as clear cut as you hoped. But if I have to choose, I would say I am in the 2nd category. I try not to set unrealistic goals, or resolutions. And I think I set goals at different times of the year. Why wait until January 1? That said, I did decide in November that I would work on things that I enjoy but have pushed aside b/c of work and just taking care of things around the house. That means more knitting, reading, leisure cooking and beading. And if possible, I'm going to try sewing b/c I have been thinking and reading about it for about a year now. I think I'm ready.
Okay, so now I'm going to tag some friends. Please be sure to check out Annie of Little Rock (AR), Web OJ of Kuwait and Edwin S of Kuala Lumpur. You can learn so much about other places near and far with just three clicks. There are some amazing pictures and comments on other daily photo blogs so I hope you will have fun!
Wow, beautiful blog. Having such a huge sky in Texas helps I suppose.
Nice shot!
Interesting game of "tag" too!
Great pic today. The sky is amazing and the contrail provides just the right contrast and center of interest.
Good luck on your resolutions. It seems as soon as you make one the pressures of life combine to overwhelm your resolve. You will need to show us some of your work.
By the way, if you make it up this way be sure to stop by I would love to show you around our fair city!
Neat picture! A pilot who could not go the strait and narrow path.
Thien, thanks for the tag. I've made New Year's Resolutions before but this year I just couldn't bring myself to do it, especially since I didn't keep the ones I made the year before.
I see you are a knitter and a beader and that you like to listen to Sirius radio. We share those interests, though my radio is XM. Have you seen Lily Chin's book Knit and Crochet with Beads? And Jane Davis' book? They offer me so much inspiration.
Hey, and I've been thinking about learning to sew too. I'd like to make some new pajamas. Those should be easy to start with, don't you think?
Pretty sky, I always wonder where the jets are going to when I see them in the sky. Sometimes wishing I was on one.
You're lucky to have such a lovely blue sky at this time of year.
A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
The Goddess In You
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