Thanks to my boss, I was actually home and saw the skies before the big rain came down on us this afternoon. Lately, I've been inside at work and there are great views of all the rain we've been getting so today was a real treat. I love thunderstorms. I like watching the rain come down.
I thought the skies looked pretty exciting and I also heard the kids playing across the street at the church playground and I remember thinking there sure was a lot of squealing going on. So, I looked out the front door and the sight made me smile. They were all so cute. Perhaps the door was locked and they couldn't get inside when the rain came so they sought shelter where they could. It was pretty funny, in a nice way.
Check out the Sky Watch page for other bloggers who have posted their own photos of cool skies above.

The first photo showed the storms a coming, the second one showed the mother of invention, and how to protect ones self from the rain. Could be scary if lightning hit though, hope someone unlocked the door for them and they were able to take real cover and safety... Good skywatch photo!
Great photo! I love the rain and love going walking in it if it isn't storming. I remember walks in the rain with my mom when I still lived at home, and later walks with my room mate when I went away to school.
In college, my roomie and I would go jogging in the rain. It was fun. Thanks for bringing that memory back to me Tammy!
Great shot for SW.
Nice pic of the children.
Dennis likes the skywatchers who show an everyday scene like plain buildings or houses or something, because we notice even more how beautiful the sky is.
I love to watch the skys before the storm comes. The way the clouds build are always fun to watch.
Sorry I missed the get together Thursday. Too much to do to get ready for school on Monday. I definately will go next time.
I love that bubble of fluffy cloud just sitting on the blue sky.
Nice pictures. Have seen other pictures of big rains in Texas; hope it wasn't so bad where you were.
We've been having some excitement here in Laos. My SWF offering shows scenes of floods and sandbagging over here.
I don't like thunderstorms, nut I like to see pictures of them:) Nice shots!
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