I got some nice shots of the ducks so I decided to dedicate this week to them since they are so active around town it seems. I think they are very handsome birds. Anyone know what they are?
This was shot last Saturday, same batch as yesterday's post. The ducks were standing on the roof of Second Baptist Church on Guadalupe.
I like this pic a lot. It looks as if the sun is just catching the edge of his wing and beak making them really light up. Nice job!
Thien, that is a wonderful photo! You caught him perfectly.
Looks almost like a statue or weather vane.
just perfect.
please send me an email.
Hello Thiên,
Ducks in my neighborhood spend more time on the ground than on the roofs!!!
My last is also about a bird with a orange beak!!! check it out!
This is a beautiful picture.
Good capture.
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