Well, we made it back to Seguin and hit the ground running at work nonstop. Until this evening. As I posted earlier, we are hosting two baseball Hall of Fame greats for the banquet tomorrow night -- Juan Marichal and Fergie Jenkins. By the way folks, tickets are still available if you want to meet these gentleman tomorrow evening. TIckets are $25 and are available at City Hall, KWED and the Seguin Daily News, and the Seguin Area Chamber of Commerce. Or you can email me if you need more information.
This evening, Fergie and Juan Marichal visited with the kids and their families down at Starke Park. There was a great crowd and plenty of kids and some adults lined up for autographs. It was really nice to see them interacting with the kids. And of course some of the kids were so cute. Not all of them knew who the ballplayers were but they knew they should get an autograph. Very sweet. And both gentlemen are so great with the kids; I really enjoyed watching them.
Earlier today, Fergie and Mr. Marichal also visited the Burgess Alternative School and had a great time they said. They appreciated the attention the kids there paid to them and they said teachers had prepared the students for the visit by having them research the players and by having them think of questions they wanted to ask of the players. It was a very positive and fun interactive learning experience.
The guys in my family knew exactly who they were, and enjoyed seeing your photo today (I think that they secretly wish they could be there :)
It was an amazing week with Fergie and Mr. Marichal.
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